Ashtead Hospital: 01372 221 400 (Monday to Friday) and 01372 898 957 (Saturdays)Email

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Leading healthcare professionals

Cervical Smear and HPV

All smears are performed by experienced female doctors

The UK NHS smear test programme starts at age 25 and smear tests are offered every 3-5 years after this up to the age of 64. However there is an increasing demand from many women to have this test every year, as is offered in Europe and the USA. Private smear tests can be performed at a younger starting age, can be repeated annually (or more frequently) and our results are back in 2-3 days.

HPV testing is important in deciding which women are at risk of developing cervical cancer. A negative HPV test results indicates a patient is at a very low risk of developing cervical disease. If you have tested negative for HPV and are not in a stable relationship, you should consider vaccination against cervical cancer (Gardasil 9).

There are over 100 subtypes of HPV, most do not cause significant disease, but some have been confirmed as causal agents for cervical cancer. These are known as High Risk HPV subtypes. HPV DNA types 16 and 18, account for 70% of all cervical cancers worldwide. The PAP cervical smear test is now combined with HPV testing of types 16, 18 and 12 other High Risk subtypes.

Please endeavour to book your appointment in the middle of your cycle if you wish to have a cervical smear test. Should you find that your period is going to coincide with your appointment then please telephone to rearrange your appointment beforehand.

PAP cervical smear with HPV testing £200*

*Please note: Consultation fees apply (a 20 minute appointment is usually necessary).

A follow up telephone consultation is included in the price. Results are usually back within 5 working days and a doctor will call you to discuss your result.

NB. Occasionally samples are termed inadequate (which means not enough transition cells where seen). If this occurs and the smear needs to be repeated, the same fees apply.

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